President Trump Preparing “Aggressive” Executive Action On Additional Stimulus

The Hill reported that White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has said that President Trump is preparing “aggressive” executive action if lawmakers are unable to reach a deal on the next stimulus package in the next few days.


Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Meadows have been meeting with Congressional Democrats to hammer out an agreement on the next stimulus package. Senate Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has been conspicuously absent from those negotiations because many Senate Republicans are against additional stimulus. The process has been that Mnuchin and Meadows will negotiate with House Speaker Nancy pelosi (D-CA) and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and then update Senator McConnell.


The two sides have made progress but still remain far apart on several key areas.


Today, Meadows reiterated the idea that President Trump could take executive action to try to implement additional stimulus.


It’s not clear how this would be done but his team is now researching what could be done in these four key areas:

Payroll tax cut

Eviction moratorium

Unemployment benefits

Student loan repayment


Secretary Mnuchin and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows continue to meet with Senator Schumer and Speaker Pelosi but it’s not likely that they will reach an agreement by tomorrow.


If President Trump’s team is able to find a path forward to offer up some relief to Americans through executive action, it’s possible that he will take that step.


On July 31st, enhanced federal unemployment benefits and the eviction moratorium expired and time is running out for Americans who are truly struggling.



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